the geisha fantasy/male

The Male Fantasy

Evoking mystery, subservience, and secret sexual skills, the classic geisha image consists of an impassive white face and impossibly red lips, body wrapped in an intricate black kimono revealing only a vulnerable nape. The colors are primal: white, black, and slivers of red. It is an image that evokes an abstract erotic ideal rather than an individual person.

   To a western male, geisha embody femininity at its most seductive. The fantasy is that of a beautiful, selfless doll who has been trained in the art of pleasing men, but who makes no demands of her own. Her happiness is that her master of the moment be happy. This dream geisha-girl doesn’t speak English, and, mute, is incapable of being a bitch. Imagine someone who dotes upon your every whim, satisfying desires you may not even have known you had, whose personal needs are taken care of by some vague and arcane system you need not bother about, who will obligingly melt into the background, like Madame Butterfly, stifling inconvenient emotions if need be, in order not to disturb your peace of mind. This is a fantasy that’s exceedingly difficult to project onto a real woman, but it has settled nicely on the imaginary geisha.