calligraphy on silk layered over charcoal nude study by Dina Angel-Wing.

scroll 43” x 16.25 in.

Calligraphy from the top part of a scroll that originally included a portrait of NeoConfucian scholar Yoshida Shōin (1830-1859) 吉田松陰


Even if my samurai life should end, my philosophy will live on.

A parent’s love for a child is deeper than a child’s love for a parent.

NeoConfucian Nudes

1 Yoshida Shōin


身はたとひ 武蔵野野辺に 朽ちぬとも

留め置かまし 大和魂

親思う心に勝る親心 今日のおとづれ何と聞くらん