Interior garden at the Nagae Jūtaku.

From March 21 to 23, we had an exhibition of Yoko Nishina’s calligraphy and my mountings in Kyoto.

All of the works included some reference to the concept of “Kage”—a term that has nuances of “reflections” as well as “shadow.”

Several of the pieces include 3-D effects in using characters laser-cut in acrylic, floated off the background of the scroll.


Kokinshū poem

Cool shade (white)

Ryokan haiku

Paired scrolls


Kage Utsurohi exhibition in Kyoto


Manyōshū poem

Cool Shade (black)

character “shadow”

Ryokan haiku (2)

In Praise of Shadows

Kokinshū poem

Cool Shade-2


Ryokan haiku

English poem